Accelerating Action to End GBVF
NACOSA in partnership with the provincial government recently held a Leadership Networking Gender Based Violence (GBV) Summit in Polokwane with the aim to accelerate actions against GBVF, involving relevant stakeholders.
The summit was preceded by a night walk themed “Take Back The Night” which intended to set a tone for deliberation on response by community organisations, and multisectoral strategy to improve on the reporting and conviction of GBV while launching the 365 days awareness against GBV.
Speaking on behalf of the Justice sector, Ms Nomgqibelo Mdlalose shared the work that the sector has embarked on. One of the effective methods that National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has embarked on is a 100 Day challenge which aims at finalizing matters in the courts within 100 Day challenge without compromising the justice system procedures.
“We can confidently report that the 100 Day challenge has been a huge success, we were able to close more than 1 000 files that had divorce matters in the Tzaneen courts, not only the divorce but matters that were presented to the courts. We are only left with less than 80 files that are set for trial” said Mdlalose
Tshikululu Social Investments it’s one of the corporates that has committed to fostering social impact on GBV by investing their funds to education, socioeconomic development and empowerment.
Representing Tshikululu, Mihlali Mzima touched on encompassing education, GBV prevention and response while strengthening community capacity and youth development with resources within their disposal.
Speaking on behalf of Premier Chupu Stanley Mathabatha, Health MEC DR Phopi Ramathuba alluded to contributing GBV factors that are promoted by families and the community at large.
“I advocate for GBV justice since my days a practicing medical practitioner, when I came across a patient who is a victim of `GBV, I made it a point that I provide SAPS with information to act on the perpetrator, I have been a state witness to assist prosecution and the court with evidence to secure a successful conviction”.
According to Ramathuba, GBV is promoted by families to please the society oppressing women by advising them not to leave the abusive relationship and marriage because the grave of a woman is at her in -laws which has been a practiced unwritten law for centuries.
“I tell medical doctors every year when I welcome them in the sector not to allow society to validate them by marriage, they have endured 6-year degree with 2 years of community service and that define their status in the community, not marriage and allowing to be financially, emotional and physically abused instead of moving out of the relationship.
NACOSA continue to give training to civil societies and health sectors on how to engage and treat victims that are non gender conforming in response to discrimination and second victimization.
The summit gave platforms to civil society organizations to report on six GBV pillars progress for the past year, which according to the report back, showed a positive response in implementing them in the province..
The pillars are as follows;
• Accountability, coordination and leadership
• Prevention and rebuilding social cohesion
• Justice, safety and protection
• Response, care, support and healing
• Economic power
• Research and information management
By: Emmaculate Cindi